Member Benefits

Prestige & Professionalism
Founded in 1957, the Murray Calloway County Board of REALTORS® has been serving our members for over 60 years. With a focus on fostering cooperation between members and providing opportunities for professional development, The MCC BOR is an imperative networking tool for individuals and businesses within the real estate sector.

The term REALTOR® is a registered service mark distinguishing the real estate professional. REALTOR® is a term trademarked by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and therefore may only be used by its members. The use of the REALTOR® term or logo by non-members is strictly prohibited. Improper usage may result in trademark infringement penalties.

Relationships with local, state and national political and governmental sources help keep the interests of MCC BOR members and property owners supported and protected. Our members serve in various capacities within the state and national levels and encourage members to stay informed on pressing issues and contribute financially to RPAC (REALTORS Political Action Committee).

Professional Development
MCC BOR offers a continuing education course to its members every year. This course provides members an opportunity to earn their yearly continuing education requirement.

Dispute Resolution
The REALTOR® organization prides itself on its ability to uphold professional standards of the highest integrity. REALTORS® separate themselves by abiding by a Code of Ethics that was first adopted in 1913. The Grievance and Professional Standards Committees review and address any complaints filed by members regarding violations of the Code of Ethics. Members also have access to arbitration services. By utilizing the arbitration services of the Association, members can quickly resolve transaction dispute with members in a fair and inexpensive manner.

MCC BOR is a strong believer in the power of relationship. A host of meetings and events throughout the year provide you with numerous opportunities to connect with others in the profession and those who can assist you in your business.

  • Membership Meetings - New members are introduced and welcomed, MCC BOR business is conducted and attendees are addressed by quality speakers with on-trend topics.
  • Awards Banquet – Members who excel in their career while being involved with the Association are recognized for their achievement and are honored at an annual banquet. The Awards event is the local industry event of the year and brings in both winners and non-winners to a night of celebration. The event also recognizes the REALTOR® of the Year, who is honored for being the exemplary REALTOR®.
  • Friday Tours - Members are invited to include new listings to the weekly Friday Tour. This allows your listing to be viewed by several other REALTORS, creating greater exposure for your clients. 

MCC BOR uses a variety of means to communicate with our members. The MCC BOR website and Facebook page are used to keep members updated on events, home sales information, regional information and industry news. MCC BOR members also receive official publications from the Kentucky REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®, including the REALTOR® Magazine.

The Association also reminds the public of the value of using a real estate professional. This is done through news releases, articles in local print media, broadcast media and advertising.

Community Involvement
MCC BOR has a long-standing record of community involvement in multiple areas. Members are encouraged to become involved by volunteering to serve on a committee.